Wondering how to free up time in the classroom for more engaging lessons?

Fun Activities For Students to Explore Friction and How it Affects Objects

My favorite quarter is the third quarter which is all about physics. I love teaching about motion, force, and energy. One of my favorite forces to teach about is friction. I like to have multiple friction activities for my students and then challenge them to answer the questions, Is friction a ... READ the POST

Simple Ways to Easily Incorporate Technology Into the 5E Model

The 5E Model lesson design is one of many lesson designs teachers can use to help students become 21st-century learners.  With the 5E model, students explore the topic and gather information before explaining it to them.  Incorporating technology into this lesson model can enhance the student ... READ the POST

10 Fun Fall Science Activities Your Middle School Students Won’t Stop Talking About

The weather is getting cooler, candy is starting to get on the student's minds, and everyone is trying to get through to Thanksgiving break. This is the perfect time to introduce some fun fall science activities. They type that middle school students will be talking about for weeks and will still ... READ the POST

Flipped Classroom: Simple strategy to easily support ELL and students with IEPs

Not all students are the same, and so we shouldn't teach them the same way. That doesn't mean you need to differentiate every lesson every day. However, it does mean using strategies that make the information accessible to all students. The flipped classroom model is one strategy you can use to ... READ the POST