Wondering how to free up time in the classroom for more engaging lessons?

How to Empower Students with Student Choice in the 5E Model using Science Stations

The 5E model centers around students discovering the information through inquiry investigations and then processing their learning and applying it. It lends itself easily to allow for more student choice, especially during the explore phase using science stations. Allowing for student choice ... READ the POST

Fun Activities For Students to Explore Friction and How it Affects Objects

My favorite quarter is the third quarter which is all about physics. I love teaching about motion, force, and energy. One of my favorite forces to teach about is friction. I like to have multiple friction activities for my students and then challenge them to answer the questions, Is friction a ... READ the POST

Blended Learning in the Science Classroom using the stations model

Blended learning is where you combine the benefits of online learning with traditional teaching. Students learn part of the information online and part of it through interactions with the teacher and fellow students. The purpose of blended learning is to increase student ownership of how they ... READ the POST

Science Stations: mini labs to review for the state test

Every year around this time my students have to take the state science test.  It tests their knowledge of all the standards they have learned throughout the year.  Trying to refresh the students memories of topics we covered in the beginning of the year can be challenging.   In the ... READ the POST