Why do Blended Learning?Blended Learning is a great way to incorporate different modes of learning so that you can reach more students and help them understand in the method that works best for them. It helps students learn about the topic through guided inquiry, group collaboration, and ... READ the POST
Back to School: Science Saturday
Its back to school time. New classes, new students, a fresh start to things. Imagine you are one of your students. You are going through your first day back getting to know your teachers names, listening to their class rules, procedures, what you are going to learn that year, how they ... READ the POST
Candy Labs: Science Saturday
Fun with CandyThree candy experiments differentiated to meet the needs of all learners from K-8 Being ... READ the POST
Science Top Ten: Science Saturday
Class Top Ten Review Book As I was packing up my classroom preparing to move into a portable while my classroom undergoes modernization I came across some amazing books I used to have my students do. As a teacher it feels like every year we ... READ the POST
TLAD: Think Like a Disciplinarian
With school winding down and testing over I like to give my students an idea of what real scientists have to do. In this TLAD (Think like a disciplinarian) my students because astro-scientists. They learned how astronomers determine what the characteristics for a habitable planet are. ... READ the POST